
I’m laying here my bed, writing this post from my fancy, somewhat new smartphone. My recently created twitter account ( is ablaze with tweets from the 60+ users I follow, and my facebook page is contantly humming with a variety of posts from my 700+ friends. Any one who spends time on the internet knows that the easier it is to get online from anywhere, the more dependant one becomes on the connection. Nevermind the fact that they probably couldn’t care less about 50% (roughly) of the content they see, it’s that feeling of “being online” that keeps those pale, dark, and foundation-covered faces stuck to a screen more often than not.

Look at it this way, you’re sitting/standing there reading this blog post, either because you personally know me and care enough to read what I write, or because the title caught your interest.

We humans are addicted to the immediate. We need something to keep us gratified or else, GASP, we’ll be “unhappy”…we want those television ads to go away so we pay for a DVR service. We need to kill five minutes so we download the latest “Angry Birds” game. We need to feel better about ourselves so we text that guy/girl we have a crush on. We need something to read so we click on blog posts that catch our interest.
This is just how our culture has developed! I’m not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, but what would happen if we didn’t think about what we wanted for five minutes? You could spend some quality time with that sibling/spouse/friend! You could go outside and just appreciate the stillness of nature (obviously that’s not possible in some locations). You could make a difference for someone, somewhere. Instead, you’re online reading this blog post that I wrote completely on my phone. What do you need to change? What do I need to change? #online

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